Monday, August 18, 2014

School on Monday - and Character

I always thought I hated science. Ok, I didn't think, I knew.  All those big words and concepts and for the brain of a creative/visual person --- most science classes that I have ever taken sounded like a tv when it's all snowy without a signal....just a buzz in my head that eventually either led me to fall asleep or stare in confusion. I told myself over and over "I think I can, I think I can" like that brave little train we've all read about. Except, I couldn't. It's was just so very very boring in every way. 
Until now.  

Who ever knew that learning about blood could be so fun? Reading about red and white blood cells, the importance of platelets ...sounds boring right? It is, unless you make the words come to life. A simple jar with white lima beans (white blood cells) and some red hot candies (red blood cells) and then a few lentils to represent platelets ...fill with oozing corn syrup for plasma and it's blood in a jar. Pair this with some interesting you tube videos...

... a "scab" model...

...kid's creative drawings of what's in a drop of blood...and you have yourself some real fun. 
I'm becoming pretty excited about all
I  they
can learn this year. 


I've been reading a lot this week, trying to find...what's it called again? Oh yes, the elusive "silence." I found this quote by Mother Teresa and rather love it: 

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.
As a stay at home, silence isn't something I'm use to. I long for it, and then when there are a few moments that I might actually just sit in stillness, feeling peace, hearing God...just being - I turn on music. I watch a show. I hop on my computer - silence can be unnerving. Silence can be uncomfortable. But, if you allow yourself to dive in, take a moment...and just simply be, you can hear. I've made room for quiet...some how miraculously, even if it's only five minutes, and I've already felt just a little bit different. I've been spoken to, I've been appreciative, I've been burdened and been able to voice it to God in a peaceful setting. 
One of the things I've been challenged to do, from my quiet and from my added reading (yes indeed, I've made it a purpose to start reading again) is that I need to re purpose as a mom the importance of teaching my kids Good Character. Meaning, I have to also pursue good character for myself. So, I decided to give us a new "class" of sorts in our schooling. We are naming it (once again with great originality) ...wait for it....

Character Building Class (applause is welcomed)

For our Character Building Lessons we are going to base several weeks on this passage :

 Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

I found an awesome link that has printables, memory verses, fun ways to teach the kids the fruits of the Spirit and to actually make it to where they can understand with "hands on" lessons. I'm hoping you might enjoy this  site as well. 

The kids loved the example of eating different fruits and discussing how you can never get an apple from a peach tree, or an orange from an apple tree. We had a long conversation about what "bad fruit" in our life might look like (anger, jealously, greediness) and then of course what the good fruits are (the fruits of the Spirit, love, gentleness, joy, ect.) They colored their little picture and discussed how the boys in the picture can show love for others. Then we did a creative writing assignment and made a list of the ways we can love generally (all people) and particularly (a specific person in a specific way.)

When I was little I loved the Music Machine cassette tape my brothers and I had, so I looked them up on YouTube. Lo and behold, they were on there and there was one episode about Love that I had heard years and years ago and just adored. I played it for the kids while I went to make snack and they were completely absorbed. You can find the episode we watched here
To end our Love Lesson, we went around the table and shared on area that we think we are pretty good at that represent the Fruit of the Spirit. We also shared one "bad fruit" this is a challenge for us. I encouraged the kids that when they see the other one showing love to speak words of encouragement and to notice and to praise. We also talked about just like a fruit tree needs to be watered and pruned and taken care of to give fruit, we need to pursue good character - it isn't just going to instantly come to us without any work. 
I always think that I'm researching and teaching my kids these awesome lessons that will be good for them, and in the end...I think I might be the one who is effected the most. 
When God tells us that children are a gift, you can believe Him. 

Learning and I'm thankful, 

1 comment:

  1. I love your science class, so much fun. And your new class...beautiful in so many ways. Thank you for sharing. xo
