Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Morning, Noon, and Night ( A little late)

9 am ... a not so little boy asked me if he could do a craft. He worked hard for over two hours researching soccer jerseys and creating his own with a white shirt and some sharpies. 

3 pm - Zac and I cut the boys bunk beds in half (well, not quite half) and created our own Ikea hack! 

I haven't finished the room yet but wanted to show their little cubby hideout. 

6:30 pm ... a cool breeze through our window (feels like fall today), dinner eaten, dishes washed, and Daddy's turn to play X box with one of his biggest fans. 

*note for all mom's reading my blog - these are the moments today I decided to capture on camera. We are real people - there were plenty of dirty dishes, arguments between siblings, and scraped knees. It's nice knowing that even though everyday isn't perfect, there are always moments of beauty to be found (if looked for) and ALWAYS moments to give thanks for. *

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful peeks into your day. I love the bunk bed hack, great idea! And it seems you have one focused and creative young man :)

    Thanks for playing along.
