Saturday, April 16, 2016

On a Much Needed Snow Day

Probably my need for another snow day isn't  a very shared sentiment. 
This is April, the middle of April, and there is a about five inches of snow on the ground, trees being pushed side to side from wind gusts ... my 30 year old windows are howling. 
But I needed this gifted snow day.


It's nice sometimes not to have the option to be busy. 
It's nice sometimes to walk through your home, and really notice what's there...
 ~ The fruit that needs eaten, the unused craft supplies, the cuddly littles that haven't been really really snuggled for awhile. There are always stacks of unread books , or seldom read books, or just favorite books that haven't been appreciated recently. 

I'm spending my day "in love."
I'm loving the cushiness of my couch , the coziness of my great grandmother's quilt, the comfort of staying in sweatpants all day long. I'm loving elastic waistbands.
I'm loving the winter scene outside - the white and the light and icicles.

I'm loving my indoor plants, also my decision to keep all my other plants in pots - the lavender and the yellow rose are joining us indoors today.
I'm loving my happy gnome and my little jar of spring blossoms.  

The kids all seem content - as if they needed a rest too. I thought perhaps they would feel cooped up, but honestly they are all just pensive, playing alone and sometimes coming to me for a bit of conversation. I'm loving that.  I'm loving that they want to connect with me, unforced. 

Those unused craft supplies , previously mentioned , are being used in the very best way - becoming something beautiful to gift to another. 
I'm loving my daughter's long hair today.
I'm loving her maturing face - where has the time actually gone?

Then there are the vegan bran muffins made my little miss - my favorite part about foods baked by kids is the assortment of sizes .... some muffins big and fluffy, some the size of a golf balls. I love the choices ... 

I love fruit. I love the way it makes me feel. I often know when I'm neglecting myself by the amount of fruit that isn't in our home. Interestingly enough, as soon as I restock on all things plants, and start eating high quantities of them ... drink my quarts and quarts of water - I see a huge change almost instantly in my life. Sometimes I feel better physically ... but what I notice the most is my general "zest" becomes much more "zesty." I feel like even my soul is being cared for by the simplicity of good nourishment. 

I'm loving the colors today. I'm glad I have included colors in my house instead of just going with a general "3 color theme." I love fields of wildflowers - I hope my home will reflect that - just a space spattered with calm colors, here and there little "pops."
What do you think about my new cow friend?
I told my kids he is the only cow allowed in this house.
I feel like every morning he's saying "not too much coffee today, and thank you for not using cream."

I'm loving that all four of my children take tea. 
Is there anything more wonderful then a pot of tea and being able to use four different cups at once? I struggle on a daily basis on which cup to use in the mornings. The kids all take tea ...Perfection. 

I'm loving my treasured David Nevue Radio on Pandora, Trinity's finished art project, the Moving Art series on Netflix, Mango Island Mamma on youtube, and I'm about to love my bowl of "nice cream." I hope you are all enjoying a restful Saturday of good things. 

"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all."
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

“Appreciate what you have, because someone else is wishing for it.” 
― Karon Waddell


  1. A snow day!!! Oh goodness, please keep it :)

    It looks like you spent it in the best way possible.

  2. Sounds like the perfect day to me!! We never had more than two inches of snow in one storm this winter in my area of New York. We moved to our new house in November and we now have a fireplace. We were so looking forward to lots of snowy days cuddled around the fire but it only happened once when we didn't leave the house at all. We have used the fireplace almost every day since November though. It's just starting to get warm here now so that will be coming to an end very shortly. : ( Have a wonderful rest of your snowy day!! xo

    ~ Wendy
