~ October Gifts ~
Rainbows in the sky, after an unexpected shower
"Wom! Can we run to the end and find the pot of gold?"
You can - but I probably won't go with you.
Finished projects...
A little Bug, snug...as a bug, in a ... blankie
Hand stitched
I thought I would never finish it, put alas, hard work and effort pays off and I'm left with a lovely light weight imperfect memory crazy quilt.
I'll take it.
Then there were the costumes...
Micheal, Cleopatra, Spidey and Captain America
All gifts
Trunk or Treat and then a visit from the "Switch Witch" that night
(they leave their cancer causing candy on the porch and the Switch Witch comes by that night and swaps them for healthier treats and goodies.)
This was our first year trying out her services - it was a hit!
then, a birthday
one that had been counted down and counted on
A little squirrel girl completed 9 trips around the sun
and was very very happy about it
Family from afar came to give birthday hugs,
friends from town brought Calico Critters,
and there was shared cake with an aunt and uncle
Trinity Sky said it was the best birthday she has ever had
Since having my Girl of Wonder, the end of October always leaves me a bit wistful.
Our little rose bud is blooming, not quite little anymore and not quite big.
She's perfect though...right where she's at she's perfect.
She fills our hearts with all kinds of goodness,
her zest for life and her satisfaction with herself leaves me inspired.
"You know you're children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they are going."
P.J O'Rourke
Trinity is going places. She's gonna travel the world - either physically or mentally, but she'll have adventures.
She is going to give the world so much, and already has.
She is a light, one that sometimes I wish I could keep in a mason jar to glow and glow beside me. But I know, that would be an injustice of beauty. So, little by little...we'll unscrew the lid and let her fly about.
Then someday, I imagine she will go, the little jar will be empty
So for now, I'm soaking up her light, as much as I can
to forever keep in my mind
So she really won't leave.
Happy 10 hours until November Friends
I can't wait to see what gifts it brings
Oh my your quilt...gorgeous!!! Happy birthday to Trinity, wishing her a wonderful next trip around the sun. And happy birthing day to you mama. xo