Monday, November 2, 2015

Thank You

Thank you...

for light
for strength
for being constant

for the gift of children
for the opportunity to grow in selflessness
for the opportunity to love unconditionally
to be able to see perfection in what You make

for warmth
for things like socks, jackets, blankets...fires
thank you for a roof over my head
a bed to lay in

for food to eat, everyday...for every meal
coffee in the mornings
tea at night
plus snacks
thank you for providing

Thank you so much God for laughter
for eyes looking up to the heavens
for clouds and sunshine and rain
thank you
for rosy cheeks

for hope, for dreams
for joy
thank you that you are near in the sad times
that you know our thoughts before we even think them
and love us anyway and every way

thank you for family
for a strong husband who is always good to me
for walks and talks and gravel in shoes and scrapes on knees and for feeling that we are alive
thank you for the dust on my hands
the smell of the earth
the song in my head that sings
"Great is Your Faithfulness"
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus"
"As I Went Down to the River to Pray...."

Thank you for a month to remember being thankful.

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