Sunday, May 17, 2015

Trip to The Mount Rushmore State in Pictures...and a Few Words

Crazy Horse Memorial

Finn, pointing to Mt Rushmore "look at all those faces!" 

Our biggest little and our littlest little prefer looking "stoic" in pictures. 

Tristan asked if one of the faces was George Washington. Trinity said "no Tristan, that one is Abraham." Just Abraham. 

Riding a "Jackalope"

Kissing for the camera...

...and smiling for the camera. 

We visited the Custer State Park which became probably my favorite place on earth thus far. I'm not sure if  it was the thick fog cloaking the tall pines, or the rolling hills, the winding rippling streams or the beautifully filtered air - whatever it was it was magic - it was the strength of the Rocky Mountains perfectly mixed with the gentle sloping Smokies 

The animals we spotted were all so content, calm. There were babies deer, baby bison, baby burros...all walking along with their mamas, nuzzling them. The baby bison would bounce and chase eachother, nudge their mothers in the head and the mom would gently nudge back, amusing their little ones. They had no fear out in their own element, in their space. Hundreds and hundreds of protected acres for them to wander and prosper and be safe as they have for hundreds of years. It made my heart very glad.  

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will teach you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea infom you.Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."
- Job 12: 7-10 

My husband said to me "this makes me never want to live in a city again." I agreed. 

This white lady stole the show. 

We spotted a flock of wild turkeys and all I could think was "good for you, you'll escape Thanksgivings everywhere." 

Gentle faced doe

"let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them, then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; "
- Pslam 96:12

"Oh, here we are at the bridge. I'm going to shut my eyes tight. I'm always afraid going over bridges. I can't help imagining that perhaps, just as we get to the middle, they'll crumple up like a jackknife and nip us. So I shut my eyes. But I always have to open them after all when I think we're getting near the middle. Because, you see, if the bridge did crumple up I'd want to see it crumple. What a jolly rumble it makes! I always like the rumble part of it. Isn't it splendid there are so many things to like in this world?"
 - L.M Montgomery 

There are so many things, love in this world. Custer South Dakota is one of them.

 While we were winding our way around the forests or standing just feet away from a huge national monument I felt very blessed to be  part of such a wonderful country. Things aren't perfect here, neither are they anywhere. But what I do know, is that I'm free and I'm thankful for that.
 I have choices here in America. I can choose to homeschool my kids, or send them to school. I can take it one step further and choose to send them either to private school, or to public school. I can have as many children as I choose to have or as many as God gives me. I can be a stay at home mom or choose to work outside the home. I can take that a step further and choose to work as many jobs as have time for. If a crisis did occur I could find help, I could get assistance for groceries, heating bills, maybe even rent.
 I can pursue my dreams if I'm driven to pursue them, I can live in a city or I could choose to live in the  country...I can worship at my church loudly with raised hands, or in my quiet bedroom. I can practice yoga in my backyard, or go for long walks at the neighborhood park and not be afraid. I can own a car, a home, stock and retirement funds. I can drive six hours away with my husband and not have to have special permission from anyone. I have libraries available to me, any kind of grocery store I could want .... places to buy cheap clothes or places to buy more expensive clothes. I have freedom here in America and I'm thankful for the men and women that make that possible. I'm thankful to the ultimate Creator who had such vision to make a world so diverse, so full of life.  Seeing the world is a huge gift...whether it's right here in my own state, a few hours away, or across the sea. But, I think above all, being able to live with open eyes, a loving heart for people, the earth, and the creatures on it, is free and fulfilling. 

1 comment:

  1. Some stunning photos. Sounds like it was a lovely time away.

    Amen to your last statement.
