Sunday, June 7, 2015

~ Love ~

Pretty flowers...I love them all - even the brown ones, the wilting ones. I love them because they did their job - they bloomed. 

Little children...I love them all. You see ... they are simply and amazingly exactly who they are suppose to be. They bring so much fun and light to this world. They are raw, real...they are good and full of so much love and so much depth. They create. They are aware. They can fly. 

I love songs ... they stir, they move, they excite. Sometimes a song quiets, stills the heart. Sometimes they softly carry a message, sometimes a song loudly screams, deafens. It does what the musician intends ... a song communicates. A song knows who it is. A song is confident.

Eyes...I love them for so many reasons. A stare, a glance...a wink, a tear, misty and blue , serious or twinkling - they mirror the soul. They translate the heart, they speak for the mind. They see what is around them ... they can notice what's coming from far away. They can look back to the past and learn and remember - they can look to the future with joy.  Bringing light to four pairs of little blue eyes is my mission. I thank the Creator for eyes.

Can I love cookies? Soft, chewy, melting chocolate and slightly salty - simple goodness yet complex.  

Creativity. Colors and swirls, abstract and symmetrical. Paint becoming trees, strokes printing words ...glitter and metallic and flat and smooth. Creativity comes from a place deep inside, it can make the closed become transparent, the plain ... inspirational. Art with purpose. Art for fun. Art simply being

Awareness...using all things in our power, assets and gifts and words and body language, communicate love. Choosing joy always...after we've grappled with our fears, with our anger, with our intention, our failures ...when we've learned our strengths and noticed our own unique beauty ~ what we as individuals bring to the table. Choosing joy when it's easy and when it hurts. Choosing to use this life, these senses, these gifts to communicate love - this is the ultimate purpose, this is the answer to "why are we here?" It's complex yet so very simple - we are here to magnify the beauty of God. We are here to magnify His goodness, His love. We are here because we bring Him delight in who we are. Revel in who He has made you. 

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” 
― Thich Nhat Hanh

“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.
“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
~ Matthew 5:5,8 The Message


  1. You just made me smile, a lovely post, thank you.

  2. This is such a beautiful post-- thanks for the inspiration!
