Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
fluttering from the autumn tree.
- Emily Bronte
I've returned to this spot - I missed it. I go in and out of creativity ... the fresh air of fall usually is just what I need for a boost. So, to catch you up, here's what we've been up to :
~Free style homeschooling, coon skin caps and quiet nature scapes playing on the tv. If you haven't seen Moving Art on Netflix - you are missing out. The Forest one is my favorite . Watching ice melt and mushrooms mushrooming up from the soil is so inspirational that I literally just sat on my couch with my hands raised to Father thanking Him for this beautiful earth. The music is relaxing and if you are short on travel fare....this is a great way to go to new places right in your living room. Instead of escaping reality it beckons me to be still , to appreciate reality...
~ collage making, Spanish class, character lessons, new math books ... school is going well.
~ we visited a free farm....I didn't want to leave. The chickens cackling and the wood smoke curling up from the little homestead, the smell of hay and the large abundant vegetable garden. Visiting this place just reaffirmed to Zac and I that that is what we want. So...we are still waiting and while we wait...learning. History museums may not be what most young couples base their dreams on - but heck, how can it not?!
~ I've been pinning so many DIY blogs on Pinterest that it would probably take us a 50 years to do all those projects. But, if we find a house to live in for 50 years then that's a good thing I reckon. No idle hands...
~ I'm still obsessed with trees.
~ I'm still obsessed with their branches and their quite praise of life.
~ the kids are all growing and doing fabulous. The boys are all full of quirks (the kind that only high functioning autism can give you) but I'm finding them intriguing now instead of upsetting. They are finding their strengths, their interests are growing and I'm really really happy to be the mother of these very special littles. I feel like each year I'm just growing into "mother." It's a really amazing feeling to know that I am exactly where I'm suppose to be.
~ little squirrel is loving her Options classes where she can join other kids once a week for some awesome classes. She is such a sweet soul and is very much "8" now.
~ my kids were so excited for fall and jumping in leaves I had to go to the front yard (where there is a big tree) and rake up a pile and haul it to the backyard so they could jump and crunch to their hearts content. It's the little things.
~ Zac is about 6 weeks away from graduating from paramedic school. It's been a long six months but he has done amazingly well and I'm super proud of all that he has accomplished. It's hard enough going to classes but doing that AS WELL as coming home to a loud house and trying to study and give your kids time and get sleep for early morning wake ups - he has done awesomely.
~ December we get to start looking for a home. I will miss my little bird friends here...and they will miss their bird bath because it's going with me.
~ Our boys are still obsessed with costumes and probably go through about 7 different "looks" a day. Each. As in 21 wardrobe changes. I will be happy for the day that they can all button and unbutton and tie things by themselves.
~ This photo has no purpose except to document this squirrel's brave run.
~ and this squirrel had her birthday this past Thursday. She enjoyed having a friend stay the night, a tea party complete with cucumber sandwiches and scones...then Eiffel tower globe making and decorating cupcakes. It was a pretty swell day.
~ She got some "older girl" duds and boots. I think she looks quite fetching.
~ then Halloween, and you are now up to date on the lives of the Corley crew. My house has been taken over by Steve Jobs, Renaissance lady, Buzz and Woody. They are all currently snacking on popcorn and vegan pumpkin mini doughnuts, waiting for all the neighbor kids to arrive to hand out treats. Life has been good and I feel extremely blessed.
*it's nice to be back*